Proper Use
Option 1:
All glass items listed for sale are collectible art. Put them in a display case
and show them off! Do not ever smoke out of them.
Option 2:
Responsibly use with tobacco.
Proper use for the following types: Sherlocks, Spoons and Pinchies
Step 1:
Select your favorite high quality rolling tobacco

Step 2:
Take out your new Legacy Glasswork's pipe and open your tobacco

Step 3:
Take a pinch of your tobacco and loosely pack it in the bowl of the pipe

Step 4:
Grab a lighter, light the tobacco and inhale from the mouthpiece

Proper use for the following types: Mini Tubes. Showpieces, Bubblers
and Slides
Step 1:
Same as above
Step 2:
Take out your new Legacy Glasswork's mini tube or showpiece and
open your tobacco

Step 3:
Fill cold water in the mini tube or showpiece from the top (to just above
the downstem or peculater) and take a pinch of your tobacco and loosely
pack it in the removable bowl (or if bubbler pack in the fixed bowl)

Step 4:
Grab a lighter, light the tobacco and inhale from the mouthpiece

Proper use for the following types: Vapor Rigs, Showpieces, Dishes,
Domes, Carb Caps, Nails and Bangers
Step 1:
Same as above
Step 2:
Take out your new Legacy Glasswork's dish (or any glass dish/ash tray)
and open your tobacco

Step 3:
Fill the dish with a small amount of your tobacco, take out your favorite 0MG
Nicotine E-Juice and a poker

Step 4:
Mix a small amount of your 0MG Nicotine E-Juice in to the dish with the
tobacco and use your poker to stir the mixture and take out your new
Legacy Glasswork's vapor rig or showpiece

Step 5:
Remove the glass dome (unless your vapor rig has a quartz banger
or domeless nail), take a small butane torch and heat the nail

Step 6:
Replace the dome, use your poker to scoop up a small amount of your
concentrated tobacco (mixture of 0MG Nicotine E-Juice and tobacco), take
the poker with concentrated tobacco and lightly touch a corner to the hot nail
and inhale from the mouthpiece
*** Note: be sure to only touch a corner of the concentrated tobacco, for
example in this picture only use about 1/10 of what is on the poker, put
the rest back in your dish.

SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer,
Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy.
SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces
Serious Risks to Your Health.
SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Smoking by Pregnant Women May
Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, and Low Birth Weight.
SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains
Carbon Monoxide.